Specialty: Pilot
Preferred 820 Selective-Fire
Weapon: Long-Range Fully Automatic Assault Rifle
Moves Fast, Cracks Jokes and Lives for Danger.

Ripcord, played by Marlon Wayons, is probably the furthest from his original inspiration. The action-figure Ripcord, as the name suggests, was a paratrooper, specializing in “HALO” (High Altitude, Low Opening) parachute jumps. The movie version of Ripcord, however, is one of the front-line troops newly recruited into the GI Joe team.
Before joining the squad, he and Conrad Hauser – who would later pick up the code name Duke – were members of an Army Special Forces team. The two of them were among the few survivors of a deadly ambush, along with the man who would eventually become Cobra Commander.
Although Rise of Cobra takes a distinctly grittier tack in comparison to earlier incarnations of the GI Joe franchise, Ripcord is apparently set to be one source of a little comic relief amid all the grimacing and all-black outfits. Wayans was reportedly chosen for the role on the strength of his dramatic performance in Requiem for a Dream, though, so he’s probably only going to get so many chances to be funny.
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